General Information

The Ohio Center for Nursing was established to promote nursing as a career and provide information about the nursing workforce in Ohio. It is generally understood that the nursing shortage is expected to continue as the current workforce approaches retirement age. Presently the center is solely web based and coordinated by the Ohio Board of Nursing. The site's content is reviewed and managed by representatives consisting of Board members and staff, nursing associations' representatives, Ohio Network for Nursing representatives and other interested parties.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Ohio Center for Nursing web site is to promote nursing as a career and provide information about the nursing workforce in Ohio. Individuals interested in becoming a nurse can obtain information on nursing as a career, nursing education programs, and tuition assistance. Interested parties will find nursing workforce data and additional sources for data. By linking with nursing centers in Ohio and throughout the country, you can identify innovative strategies for recruitment and retention of nurses.


Contacting the Center

For issues related to nursing licensure (including examination & endorsement), nursing education or the practice of nursing in Ohio, you must contact the Ohio Board of Nursing at

The Ohio Center for Nursing can be contacted via Email at


Guidelines for Content Submission

Requests for links and content inclusion are reviewed regularly by Nursing Center representatives. The Ohio Board of Nursing and Workforce Center representatives reserve the right to reject any request determined to be unrelated to this site's purpose or mission. The material and web site links maintained on this site are for informational purposes only, and do not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of the originating individual or organization. Information and material (including publications) made available on this site should be considered transient and may not be maintained indefinitely.

All requests must be submitted in writing using the form below. Evaluation of the material may take two weeks or more. You will be contacted if additional information is required.

Step 1: Download and complete the form.
Step 2: Email the completed form to
Step 3: Be sure to attach a copy of the material you wish to have posted if applicable.

Microsoft Word File

Request for Web site Material Inclusion Form (Microsoft Word Version)